كنيسة مارمرقس المعادى
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كنيسة مارمرقس المعادى

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» ديكور وحماية
العاب لسن ابتدائى و اعدادى by English I_icon_minitimeالجمعة مايو 17, 2013 8:59 am من طرف شمساشقثب

» فى رأيك لماذا عدد الحضور فى إجتماع خدام ضعيف؟
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» تورست كار لإيجار السيارات والليموزين والخدمات السياحية
العاب لسن ابتدائى و اعدادى by English I_icon_minitimeالسبت أبريل 21, 2012 4:45 am من طرف كار ليموزين

» إيجار الفانات العائلية بجميع أنواعها
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» تقدم اقووووووووووى العروووووووض واحدث الموديلات ( تورست كار)
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» الله واحد في ثالوث
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» (fairuz album (christmas carols
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» شاهد القنوات المسيحية
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» الحان اسبوع الالام وسبت الفرح كامله للمعلم ابراهيم عياد والشماس بولس ملاك وفريق ابو فام
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 العاب لسن ابتدائى و اعدادى by English

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 12
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/02/2010
العمر : 36
الموقع : stmarkmaadi

العاب لسن ابتدائى و اعدادى by English Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: العاب لسن ابتدائى و اعدادى by English   العاب لسن ابتدائى و اعدادى by English I_icon_minitimeالسبت فبراير 13, 2010 10:14 am

Very Happy bounce Razz Wink العاب لسن ابتدائى و اعدادى

Stand Up
Two players sit back to back with legs stretched out in front of them. They must try to stand up without using their arms. Purpose: working together to reach the goal.

2. Sit on Laps
Everyone stands facing in the same direction in a circle. Everyone then tries to sit on the lap of the person behind him. This is not too easy and the circle can fall apart anywhere

Stretcher Carry
The group makes a stretcher out of two round pieces (branches) of wood. They can only use the available pieces of clothing to complete the stretcher. One of the group members must be carried about 10 meters on the stretcher. How long will it take the group to do this?

4 :

Water Cup and Bottle
This game is difficult and requires concentration and coordination. There are a few easier variations for younger children. A circle is drawn on the ground measuring 2-3 Meters. In the middle of the circle place a bottle with water in it and next to it, an empty cup (with a rim). No one is allowed to enter the circle. Two players stand across from each other and receive a string. Now, with the help of the string, the group tries to get the water out of the bottle and into the cup. If the cup is filled half-way, then it must be transported to another circle or a nearby Table.
Purpose: Timing, coordination and concentration.
Easy variation: The bottle is tied at the top and the bottom with 4 strings. The cup is also tied at the top and bottom using 2 strings. The idea now is the coordination of movements: tip, pour, hold, lift transport, and move


Rescue Island
Two tables are placed apart in a room. Every player gets a carpet square (a chair can also be used). The players spread out in the room. Players pretend they are on icebergs and must get to the safety of the island (the tables) without touching the floor. Variation: Only one player can be on an iceberg at one time. An iceberg can only be moved if not occupied by a player.
Purpose: coordination, working together and solving the problem together


Screaming Match
Divide players into two groups. One person is told a word or term. This person calls out this word to his group. The opposing team stands between the single player and his group, and through yelling, tries to prevent the other team from understanding what is being called out. Every player gets a chance to be the single player. Time is stopped when the answer is understood
4- kol wa7ed fel faree2 ya5od wara2a maktoob 3aleeha 7aga men el talata ( salam bel 2eed , 2o23od meraba3 , abtasem ) we mayefta7hash 3'er lama kolo ya5od el wara2 beta3o , yefta7o el wara2 we kol wa7ed yedawar 3ala ely zayo we yemasel el 7araka beta3to we we yesbat 3ala keda le7ad ma el faree2 kolo ye5alas wel group ely ye5alas el 2wal yeksab.


Turn the Blanket
The group sits on a blanket. The blanket can be folded so that there is only enough room for all players (increases difficulty of game). Now the group must turn the blanket without getting off of it.
Purpose: Helping and supporting, agreeing and coordination.


Defusing bombs
The group is not allowed to come within 3-4 meters of the object (=bomb). A safety ribbon is used to cordon off the area which is not allowed to be entered. You can use a pot, bottle or box (as a platform) as the bomb. This is then lifted up on 4 strings, is transported 20 meters without touching the ground and is laid down in a target area


9 – 7abl marbot 2a5ro 5ashaba ablakash el fare2 hayet2esem nossen nos hayshed fel 7ab wel nos el Tany hayo3od 3ala el 5ashaba wa7ed wa7ed le7ad may5alaso wely hayo2a3 fel nos yesbat makano we mayet7araksh 5atwa wa7da le7ad ma el faree2 yes7ab el 5ashaba we yermehalo tany shart el le3ba an ely 3ala el 5ashaba ykon fared reglo mesh taneeha


The Wandering Ring
Players use sticks or straws to pass a ring player to player. Which team is the fastest?

The Loudest Band
Every band speaks a song together. The winner is the team who is the best and the loudest.


What am I Eating?
The player is blind-folded and must eat a variety of foods and correctly guess what he is eating. With stages and levels
13 - Hanedy lekol faree2 magmo3et 7asawy 2w toob we negeeb korsyeen wenelza2 3aleehom garayed we ne5aly el faree2 yramy el zalat 3ala el gornal le7ad mayet2ete3 5ales


Bottle Baby
A baby bottle nipple is put on a bottle. Who can empty the bottle the quickest? Some players may remember their early childhood.


Rope spider
Shabaka men el 7abl mar3mola bel karasy ely 2a3ed 3aleeha el 5oddam wel mafrood el faree2 kolo ye3adi men 3'eer mayelmes 7abl wa7ed fe 2asra3 wa2t wely yelmes el 7abl ye5sar


Newspaper Mummy
Each group must totally wrap up one person in newspapers. The mummy is packed using adhesive tape or package twine. Then the mummy must be transported from point A to point B. Who is the fastest? Which mummy is best preserved?

Newspaper Short Story
With help of a newspaper, a short story must be made using cut-out words and pictures. Who made the best story and who has the best story with a picture?


Paper cable
A hole is punched in one or several pieces of paper which are threaded onto a piece of thread. The thread (or thin string) is tied between two objects (stool, trees or posts) at eye height. The task is now to blow one or several pieces of paper along the length of the
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
عضو جميل
عضو جميل

عدد المساهمات : 1
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/02/2010

العاب لسن ابتدائى و اعدادى by English Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: العاب لسن ابتدائى و اعدادى by English   العاب لسن ابتدائى و اعدادى by English I_icon_minitimeالأحد فبراير 14, 2010 5:14 pm


The participation of a beautiful God bless your life
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عدد المساهمات : 12
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/02/2010
العمر : 36
الموقع : stmarkmaadi

العاب لسن ابتدائى و اعدادى by English Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: العاب لسن ابتدائى و اعدادى by English   العاب لسن ابتدائى و اعدادى by English I_icon_minitimeالإثنين فبراير 15, 2010 12:37 am

Thanks alot marshmallow hope u a beautiful life too Wink
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
العاب لسن ابتدائى و اعدادى by English
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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